Nonjuror: Mad Note Proliferation

Hip Hop guitarist, producer, composer, deutsches Bier enthusiast n occasional Rubik's Cube dismantler.

SP-202 Lo-Fi Chopped Breaks

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SP-202 Lo-Fi Chopped Breaks


10 Drum Kits - A collection of chopped breaks sampled from vinyl with the Boss SP-202 at various sample rates.

Boss SP-202 Sample Rates:

⦁ Hi-Fi: 31.25 kHz

⦁ Standard: 15.63 kHz

⦁ Lo-Fi 1: 7.81 kHz

⦁ Lo-Fi 2: 3.91 kHz

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A collection of chopped drum breaks sampled from vinyl with the Boss SP-202 at various sample rates.

watched pots never boil therefore that pot’ll only ever boil if i don’t watch the stovetop